Monday, October 09, 2006

staring, staring

Right. So have gotten some part time work at an English language bookstore. Moved into new place near center. Things are looking up, maybe? Had abysmal class this morning of silent students. Pulling teeth, etc. But teaching is actually, on balance, becoming a bit easier. I'm quite used to be stared at now, and if they don't want to speak well! we just sit there in silence. They stare, I stare. We stare. Its a grammar lesson. Its fantastico, its all so silly.

Will give myself another few months of adjustment. Hopefully, some of the woeful anxiety blues will pass! The terrors have been pretty bloody awful these past few weeks; up down. Left, center. I miss New York, all of you, and yet I don't want to come home.


Blogger Boulos said...

Oh to stare at the Tania! Those lucky foreigners have no idea how many people on this side of the pond would long to be in their position! Has the yearning for Russia fallen by the wayside, or is that still the eventual goal? Regardless, it sounds like you certainly are making a name for yourself over in the land of cheap smokes and beers. I wouldn't have expected anything less from you:)

7:08 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

If they get too bored, sing this:

"Bo Bery Bungry dee dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee"

works every time. Also, they might start speaking gibberish as English without knowing any better, and I can laugh at them.

12:37 PM


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