Tuesday, September 05, 2006

interviewing, interviewing

So I'm off to my first job interview this morning, with a crappy looking resume that printed all wonky out of the computer at school and just praying they won't ask me to get up and teach on the fly. I have another interview tomorrow which will require that I plan and teach parts of a 90 minute lesson on reported speech. Does this mean anything to anyone? No, me neither.

Well, so instructor crush and I have a possible rendezvous, although I suspect his intentions may be purely and painfully platonic. He asked me for my number, which I don't have, having no phone, and then said to email him and we should get coffee or something on Sunday. He's away in Italy all week. Well, on ne sait jamais...what say you B.los and Amanda? Dodge this bullet quick?


Blogger Amanda said...

Oh Tania, no! He'll now be your former teacher, which is just deja vu. Keep it to this cup of coffee and nix the intrigue.
Good luck on your interviews! Let's get you to Russia and away from John the Second.

11:59 AM

Blogger Boulos said...

I must say once again, that minx I call a wife is onto something. Make sure the only thing hot about your date is the coffee, alright? Find some young student to take advantage of instead, and make him work for that "A" the all American way, ok? Sorry for the brief rhyming scheme... Alas, I digress. I too wish you much love and luck on your interviews. Remember your interviewing stragegies... i.e. "What AREN'T I qualified to do??" etc. Bon chance!

5:31 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

haha, oh yeah, the answer-a-question-with-a-question strategy! I totally forgot about that -- maybe that explains my period of unemployment. In this case, they'll probably think you've decided to demonstrate your excellent grasp of the interrogative sentence.

8:44 AM

Blogger Boulos said...

Listen, Andy is 10 years older than me, it's not the age thing that bothers me, it's the whole situation. Remembering the unhappy events of the past, I think it's wise not to allow history repeat itself, that's all.

12:07 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

That was seriously sassy! haha, I just think that we tend to get involved in the same types of romances, so when a new guy inspires deja vu regarding an old baddie, it's best avoided. And no offense Tania, but you really know how to pick 'em. Not that you're the only one.

1:00 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

whoops that was me, more specifically

1:01 PM

Blogger Boulos said...

Word, I felt the sass was necessary b/c I ain't no agist, biatches!

4:38 PM

Blogger Boulos said...

Word to that Sarah. WTF Tanio?

8:48 PM


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