Monday, August 21, 2006

Birthday blues

Wanna be turned inside out, tested within an inch of your life, and be made terrified? Try TEFL! You'll spend your Birthday writing a lesson plan to introduce the concepts of no none any to a handful of stony-eyed Slavs who can't string an english sentence together much better than you can a Czech one. You'll you turn 26 preparing for a day of mutual incomprehension, frustration, and possible tears.

Ok, I'm being melodramatic! But this business is hard, hard. hard. I long for some garrulous Spaniards or Agressive Ruskis. Anything but the silent czechs! To be fair, though, I loved my Advanced class the other day--who talked and talked quite happily about homelessness, the war in Iraq, and mandatory English in schools. Its just those beginners who'll get you down. No matter how hard you try--even how hard they try--you'll never seem to convey a single solitary thing.


Blogger Amanda said...

Hey! It's not your birthday yet, and I refuse to allow you to spend it crying! You will have excellently insane times with your Ruskis soon. As for now, get yourself out to the local watering hole, and spend your birthday drunk, as you were meant to! Keep in mind though, it's not till tomorrow...
I love you Tanio!

6:54 AM

Blogger Amanda said...

For real, and this post confused me b/c I have no idea how many hours ahead Prague is, but I knew it was physically impossible for it to be tomorrow there, when it is so early here. Anyway, you will turn 26 facing a challenge. that is good. If anything, it's not boring, and when you look back on this birthday, you won't kick yourself in the ass for being a complacent moron.
Happy birthday, a little early!
<3, Amanda

7:55 AM


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