Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Um, what's a blog? I'm such a loser.

So em, I don't really have anything to report. But here's some stuff some students have said this past month:

Me, to student: "How was your weekend?"
Student, pointing to self: "I?"

Student, to me, about boyfriend's bad behavior. "He really crossed the border. He went abroad."

Student, to friend, showing her his spreadsheets at work, "Not bad for a white guy."

Student, drawing a stick figure of a (gypsy) man on a piece of paper, running in a circle aroudn what looks like a giant fog horn but is actuallya generator of some kind. "This man," pointing to stick figure, "YOu cannot educate him." Circling hand gesture. "We have electricity problem in Prague. He runs around this generator to..." power it? "To power it". This was his half-joking solution to the "gypsy problem" in Prague. All said with a cheeky grin. Egads, ha ha, shudder shudder. Diabolical Czech humor...

Oh, students. YOu say the darnedest things.


Blogger Amanda said...

Awesome. Going Abroad seems, to me, to work on a couple of levels. I like it. Hey we both got back on that blogwagon about the same time. Sweet.

2:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, yes. Love it. keep it up. you are a much better and funnier writer than I think you realize. need more blarnesoging.

11:00 AM

Blogger Boulos said...

OMG,Tania you know how to come back w/ a bang! God you and that wife o' mine can make me laugh via the internets like NO ONE else. You can expect an email from that chick Debbie, my old high school chum soon. She will be pestering you to be her tour guide, or maybe she'll just ask you where to meet the hotties. Although, as professionals, we all know the hotties are at the mall.

Is it true you are a definite for Allyson's wedding??? Vince and the wife are going to be in NYC as well! All hail the spectacular reunion!

7:47 PM


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